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Luanda International Fair 2021 

The 36th edition of the Luanda International Fair in Angola reopened on 30th November in the Special Economic Zone (ZEE) Luanda - Bengo, in which 538 companies took part. This Fair was suspended last year due to the pandemic.

Our company, FULLBLISS ANGOLA COMPANY, LDA participated in this fair and enlarged our modular stand. In order to reduce environmental pollution caused by plastic, our team promoted and disseminated the idea of recycling plastic waste, explaining how waste can be transformed into "treasure". This proposal was supported by many environmentalists. In addition, over the course of the fair, we were mainly promoting our products: the wig and washing powder. The former was well sought  by customers.

In this Fair 2021, FULLBLISS ANGOLA COMPANY,LDA was very successful and is going to have a bright future!