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Current Position : News Details

According to Angola Newspaper Jornal de Angola, the factory of plastic of Lucala Industrial Park in Kwanza Norte Province has realized monthly avenue at 150 million kwanzas, which represents increase of 60 percent comparing to the same month of the past year.

The media advisor Alves Xian emphasis that the selling avenue of diverse products has reached 1,498 million kwanzas, of which comes 4,550 tons of plastic bags, plant bags, eggs tray, plastic articles, detergent and false hair. The growth of production is mainly due to the entrance of new false hair production line.

The factory directly employs 400 workers, 15 of them are foreigners. As the general director Qiang Fu, has resented in Angola for more than 15 years.

Alves Xian mentioned that the factory also has the patrimony assessed for more than 5 million dollars, and the initial investment were 40.6 million kwanzas, divided into two parts, of which 95%, investment of 38.6 million kwanzas belongs to Mr Qiang Fu, while the resting 5%, 2.03 million kwanzas belongs to Angolan citizen, Lágrima Magnólia Antónia. It is reported that in 2021 the company presented the trends of growth, carving the firming growth on most part of business area. The business volume has grown about 63.8% facing the past year, with positive contribution of diverse business unities of factory.

Youth Working with Dignity

Marceane Gaspar, 27 years old, from Lucala, has been at the false hair fabric area for one year, can sustain 2 sons’ living. She told that has paralyzed the academic study at the 9th grade due to lack of conditions, can earn some money to carry on with study. She felt happiness as her contribution to women’s beauty through the job of hair handling. While the case of Marcia Cristovao, seemly has 20 years old, is also from Lucala. The young woman lives alone, but since long ago had looked for a job to satisfy the personal and family needs, is very satisfied with the employment that she get from the factory.

Created in 2015, within a space of 10 thousand square meters, the company benefited from a suitable place and the project started with operation since November of 2016. The company introduced imported production equipment’s and relied on the Chinese technicians from various departments who supplied technical support and responsible for local youths. Now the company employs about 400 workers, 15 of which are Chinese with Angolan workers trained in Luanda in sales, guaranteeing the continuous development of long-term local management.

More Production Proportion Extra Family Income

Alves Xian, the assistant of investor Qiang Fu, revealed to Jornal de Angola that the actual production level is contributing to the extra income for sustainability of various families, since most of the raw material was supplied by the environmental cooperatives which acquired from people who sell recyclable plastics. The Company buys plastics, material type HDPE, LDPE, plastic barrel, and PET bottle. At the very first, raw material was received and weighted from de origin place. Depending on the specialty of material, the material was conserved in compressed bags. The spokesman of the Company also said the procedure of raw material was done via recycling of plastic grain, created from specific methods for reduction of environmental pollution. Also mentioned that at the recycle sites, the impurity and metal parts which could harm the equipment was removed. The water is supplied daily, by a water tank, and the medium expense for electricity consumption are 4.7 million kwanzas. It is foreseen that in near future there would be an investment for separation of residuals, including construction of a reutilization system and water filtering from processing and cleaning procedure. It is enlisted as the main future project acquisition of transportation means for solid residual, enlargement of warehouse capacity, new water treatment station for factory consumption and for local consumption. Also at the same time, is under construction one medical station to attend the workers and their families and benefit the local community. At that way, it is also known that the creation of project composted of distribution of basic basket and luncheon for local children, at the rate of 3 times a year.

At last, It is revealed that the management team of the project is working to create bar code and origin certificate, with which permit the company to export the products to DRC, Namibia, Zambia and later on to the Europe.