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Hope my company's continuous efforts to contribute to the future development of Angola

What We Do

Plastic packaging

Products for industrail and civil plastic packaging, mainly includingPlastic wrap, typically used for sealing food ite...


Agricultural irrigation hose

Micro- irrigation hose, typically used for agricultural irrigation, guaranteeing the period of growth and the production...


Plastic commodities

Products for industrial and household use, mainly including Bottle performs, typically used for producing plastic bottle...


Recycling of waste plastics

Through plastic recycling, the present production line transforms the wastes into plastic granules, which can be used as...


Plastic printing

The present production line is mainly used to print the plastic products produced by our company, according to customers...


Wig products

Wig products


Washing powder

Washing powder


First plastic factory invested and managed by Chinese launched in Angola ---Reported by AngolaNews
Located in Lucala industrial zone along the national road Kwanza Norte-Malanje, follow the direction of the advertising board is the factory of Full Bliss Angola....